Have you ever tried ear-rings made out of paper?? Want to buy quilling products online in India ?
Khushboo Jobanputra is the creator behind these pretty cards and handmade products..I was so amazed by her work that I HAD to share it with you guys.. I’m sure you will love it too! Have a look 

With this post I introduce a new nail art technique called nail taping 

Nail taping is basically using a tape to do your designs..its very easy..but can sometimes be time consuming..
Here’s how you do this simple nail art using tape:
We shampoo all the time, but are we doing it correctly?
We all have got a hair wash at the saloon and we love it!! Do you want such an amazing saloon hair wash at home?

No matter how many times you washed your hair it never felt THAT soft? You even tried different shampoos!
Don’t worry..Keep reading
If you really really want the saloon type hair wash you have to be patient! I know how tiring it can get to wash our long hair patiently!!
Have chapped and dry lips? Summer brings with it a number of skin problems,chapped and dry lips is one of them…

Home made lip scrub
The solution to this ugly problem is simple..EXFOLIATION! Lip scrub is great for exfoliating lips..You can buy some great lip scrubs..but if you do not wish to spend or need a quick and natural solution then make some flavoured lip scrub at home!
I’m in love with Desidime.com
Here’s a desidime nail art to express my love!!
Step One: Using a toothpick dipped in blue nail polish draw a triangle starting from the middle of the base of your nail.
Step Two: Fill the triangle and top of the nail with the blue polish. Repeat for all nails and allow to dry.
Step Three: Using your white dotting pen, make the Indian rupee symbol ‘₹ ‘

Step Four: Apply a rhinestone of your choice with the help of nail adhesive.

Step Five: Apply top coat and clean the sides with cotton bud dipped in nail polish remover.
Desidime Nail art is ready!
There are three ways of losing money:
- Gambling is the quickest
- Women the most pleasant
- Not visiting desidime.com the most certain
This is the best natural face pack for oily skin and has only two ingredients but trust me it’s super effective!!!!

I’ve been facing the ugly effects of having an oily skin since I was a teenager! That cake-y, sweaty, oily skin -ew! I just hate it! But finally one of my best friends suggested me this amazingly effective face pack which keeps the oil away for days –and the great part is it’s totally natural and pocket friendly!
Mother’s day is finally here and if you are struggling to find a perfect gift for your mom,here are a few suggestions from me 

There are four ways you can make matte nail polish at home using regular polish…

You can always purchase a matte top coat which quickly turns your regular polish into matte, but why spend money when you can do the same thing at home 
You may not have a million shades of nail paints but there are a few shades every woman must have!

What’s in the bag? Bags can be messy, so here are some things every woman should have in her purse to help her through the day 😉 It will help you organize your bags and throw all the trash away..