5 ways to use Rosewater!

I cleaned my room yesterday and came across my bottle of rosewater! Wow! I had almost forgotten about it! Last time I used it for my facepack for oily skinΒ .So I decided to use it again! Here are 5 ways to use Rosewater to help you finish that lovely smelling bottle! 5 ways to use Rosewater!

5 ways to use Rosewater!


Well rosewater is a really versatile product and can be used in A LOT of ways! I tried to pick the best five πŸ˜‰

1. Use in Facepacks or other home made scrubs!

5 ways to use Rosewater!

As I mentioned earlier, the benefits of rose water for the skin are infinite! Mix it in your face scrub or facepack to give you a calming effect! Rose water is proved to be an anti inflammatory! You can also use cotton balls soaked in rosewater to reduce under eye puffiness and get rid of dark circles!

2. Bed sheet perfume!

5 ways to use Rosewater!

Yeah! I once had a broken bottle of rosewater and I had to make use of it! I sprinkled a mixture of rose water and water over all the bedsheets of my house πŸ˜› The house smelt amazing! Now I sprinkle this sometimes before going to bed. Gives you a feeling of sleeping in a garden πŸ˜›

3. Natural Replacement for cosmetic products.

5 ways to use Rosewater!

Rose water is very commonly used as a toner. Specially girls with oily skin will benefit a lot from it! It can also be used as a natural make up remover. Some women also use it as a hair conditioner. Mix rose water with water and apply on scalp if you have a dry and itchy scalp. It increases blood flow to the roots of your hair and helps increase it’s length. Replace your make up setting spray with rose water!

4. Scented Bath.

5 ways to use Rosewater!

Mix 2-3 spoons of rosewater to your bathing water for a cool scented bath. This will make your skin soft and glowing! I usually do this during summers when I need a nice refreshing bath 5 ways to use Rosewater! Lots of spas use rose water for aroma therapy.

5. Food Food.

5 ways to use Rosewater!

Yes, you have seen a lot of food products having rose water as an ingredient in them. My mom make rose water cupcakes which are delicious! Of course she uses naturally prepared rose water (mixing rose petals in water) and not those rose water bottles which shops sell. It can be used to flavor milk,fruit juices,cereal and custard! Experiment and use it in anything you like πŸ˜› If you do make something delicious send me the recipe πŸ˜›

Do share with me any other uses that you may know of in the comments section below 5 ways to use Rosewater!

Don’t forget to like Gone Trendy Facebook page for further updates 5 ways to use Rosewater!



8 Comments on 5 ways to use Rosewater!

  1. Khushboo
    September 10, 2013 at 1:06 pm (12 years ago)

    i have never liked rose water for some reason.. but i m purchasing a bottle today.. for my dark circles and oily skin.. lovely post for the lovely ladies out there.. thanks vidhi..

    • Vidhi
      September 10, 2013 at 6:36 pm (12 years ago)

      Why not make some at home? πŸ˜‰

      • Khushboo
        September 11, 2013 at 10:10 am (12 years ago)

        Rose water at home? How do you do that now? We would love to read a post on how to make rose water at home.. pleaassssseeee…..

        • Vidhi
          September 11, 2013 at 11:33 am (12 years ago)

          sure :) Thanks for the idea πŸ˜›

  2. Harsha
    September 10, 2013 at 2:54 pm (12 years ago)

    I still remember the days when my Mom asked me to clean my Face and Eyes using Dabur Gulabari :)
    She used to say–Use Gulabari to look fair or else no girls will look at you.. πŸ˜›

  3. subhapradha
    September 10, 2013 at 3:17 pm (12 years ago)

    Informative post

    • Vidhi
      September 10, 2013 at 6:35 pm (12 years ago)


  4. Sruthi Vinay
    September 27, 2013 at 12:24 pm (11 years ago)

    so true vidhi :) has worked wonders on me :)


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